First off we’d like to thank Janet Mullany for all that she’s done with writing such wonderful novels, guest posting with us, and providing the prizes.
Tag Archives | Jane Austen: Blood Persuasion
Shhh, Keeping Secrets
No one wants to be the secret keeper especially poor dear Jane.
The Historically Correct Vampire
We are please to welcome this month’s featured author, Janet Mullany and a chance to win one of her books!
When Humans and Damned Collide
There is nothing better than a country dance especially if the you dance with a vampire, then enjoy a bit of lusty lounging afterwards.
A Day at JASNA AGM 2012
I spent a lovely day in Brooklyn this afternoon in the company of fellow Janeites.
Let Us Be Damned
Happy Halloween, vampire infused, zombie raging, werewolf howling month! Or as we around the DJABC will tell you, Happy We’re Reading Jane Austen: Blood Persuasion month. In October, we will be returning to Regency England(like we ever want to leave) as we follow Jane Austen along her hopes to stay cured and the evil within trying […]