Today we welcome a wonderful author who embraces writing with the tongue in cheek, Beth Andrews (a.k.a. Paul Bethel), to share with us his adaptation of one of Jane Austen’s lesser discussed works. And don’t forget to enter for a chance to win a copy below! If anyone reads my adaptation, Love and […]
Archive | Undead Ends
The unfinished works of Jane Austen
Destination Sanditon
In the final year of her life, Jane Austen began writing the story we now call Sanditon. However, at the time she had given it the working title of The Brothers and she was not writing under the impression that it was going to be her last unfinished work. She completed only twelve chapters. The story begins with […]
What of Emma Watson?
In reading the unfinished manuscript of The Watsons I’m left wondering about Emma Watson. She promised to be one of my favorite Austen women with her balance of understanding and manner, and her sense of propriety. She demonstrates hints of earnest frankness and sincerity in a family that boasted more “family discord–from the immediate endurance of hard-hearted prosperity, […]
The Gift of Discernment
Sometimes you know. You just know. Instinctively and naturally, you avoid certain people. It’s usually because of something they’ve done; some past act that makes you uncomfortable or something they’ve said (perhaps even in jest). Whatever the case, something just doesn’t sit quite right with you. They show up and instinctively an internal sensor goes […]
Different Shades of Darkness
Today we are pleased to welcome Jennifer Petkus, author of Jane, Actually, as she shares her thoughts on darkness and the beyond. Be sure to enter for a chance to win a copy. Ms. Perkus has graciously offered two (2) physical books for US residents with valid US mailing addresses, and four (4) ecopies for giveaway! […]
Sanditon and Hard Times
…it crossed my mind that the bitter town of Hard Times was perhaps the worst place in which one could ever imagine to live. Then I read Sanditon.