At a glance one may wonder what dances, ammunition, and male anatomy all have in common with one another.
Author Archive | Veronica Monique
A Gentleman’s Organization
In Pride and Prejudice and Zombies there is mention of two organizations regarding the unmentionables that plague England.
The Quick Sum Up of PPZ
Now imagine that with the occasional zombie requiring dispatching and you have Pride and Prejudice and Zombies!
Charlotte’s Dreadful Decline
The bonds of friendship run deep, and the secrets we keep for our dearest friends can be gruesome…
Our Pride and Prejudice with Dreadful Intrusions
When Jane Austen referred to Pride and Prejudice as “my own darling child,” I’m not sure she envisioned that child beseiged by dreadfuls.
The Zed Word
In a world of proper observances of etiquette being overrun with zombies, it would be preferable to never speak of such things.
Animating the Soulless
Let’s talk zombies. What is a zombie? With all the walking dead in pop culture we think we know what a zombie is, but do we?
The Dark Jane Austen Book Club
For anyone who has read the book and/or seen the movie of the same name The Jane Austen Book Club you may have an idea of how the inspiration for the Dark Jane Austen Book Club came about…