Our Pride and Prejudice with Dreadful Intrusions

Our Pride and Prejudice With Dreadful IntrusionsWhen Jane Austen referred to Pride and Prejudice as “my own darling child,” I’m not sure she envisioned that child beseiged by dreadfuls.  However, with the intrusion the characters gain another layer of complexity with the incorporation of the warrior’s code while they are still expected to maintain established decorum.  Friendly visits take on added dangers, but one cannot allow unmentionables to prevent social obligations.

How do you feel about the original Pride and Prejudice as it was written by Jane Austen?  Is it one of your favorites?  What about the new Pride and Prejudice and Zombies?

Please, join us this evening (Tuesday, September 20, 2011) from 8 – 9 p.m. Eastern Standard time as we host a Twitterchat @DarkJaneAusten with the hashtag #DJABC to discuss these burning questions.  


*Photo: Chrysanthemum tea by The Unseasoned Wok, obtained through Flickr.

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