We are always looking for ways to improve the experience for those who choose to visit our little dark corner of the Austen world. We launched the Discussions section in the hopes of fostering more engagement and conversation, but it seems only to have encouraged unauthorized promotion of the decidedly non-Austenesque. So with a stiff upper lip we shall be doing away with that aspect of DJABC.
Discussions can still be had within the comments of posts, threads on our Facebook page, and via Twitter. And we look forward to continuing to bring to light all those twisted mashups with Jane Austen, as well as other literary greats. No one is really safe from the monsters, you understand.
Additionally, we are planning to bring you more ways to find these dark reads, and the authors who bravely bring them to life. We want to encourage and support writers. We want to build community. As with anything it is a work in progress, but it is a work of love.
We invite you to share events with us to post on our community calendar. It is meant for all things Austen and a few things dark that may appeal to anyone anywhere there are book signings, plays, movies, conferences, classes, camps, and more. Though we are based in the US we will gladly share international events, too.
Contact us with reading selections we may not have discovered yet. Whether you are an author or an avid reader, we welcome suggestions.