It should come as no surprise to any of our readers that we here at Dark Jane Austen Book Club tend towards the darker side of things where keeping up appearances and civilized behavior can prove a bit more difficult for proper society. Sometimes our interest in the supernatural leads us into other works from other authors, and not just those influenced by Jane Austen. But as Austen fans we are a small part of a bigger community that loves all things Austen, which comes with a great deal of fan fiction, more than could ever be featured here.
Today Veronica is guest posting over at Austenprose with a book review you may be interested in reading as the rumor of a werewolf is what got us involved.
As if reading about the continued lives of our favorite characters from Pride and Prejudice and that of their children is not fascinating enough, send one Georgiana Bingley to seminary in France, throw in a murder with the rumor of a werewolf, and you potentially have something quite interesting. Such is Marsha Altman’s Georgiana and the Wolf, the sixth installment of her Pride and Prejudice Continues series…
Please, visit Austenprose for Veronica’s complete review of Georgiana and the Wolf, and thanks for reading.