It started with a desire to read and discuss books. A theme was chosen and looking through the eye of a needle a whole new world of wonders was discovered. We of the Dark Jane Austen Book Club first and foremost honor the works of Jane Austen, but diving headlong into the world of Austen fan fiction we revel in the mayhem that mingles therein.
Still, our dark hearts long for more.
We want community.
With so many wonderful people involved in the realm of Austen fan fiction we knew there just had to be more than reading books, and so there is. With books come book festivals, and author appearances. There are Jane Austen Societies around the world, celebrations, lectures, and studies.
The information out there is vast if one looks. We have spent countless hours searching to find events, looking up authors and book titles, and anything relevant to Jane Austen, her contemporaries, and monster infused classics. There is always something new to find, rediscover, or just coming onto the market; however, it does get a bit confusing to have to look in so many different places.
Wouldn’t it be great if there was an events calendar that one could look at to see what was going on in the Jane Austen world that included events both large and small, local and international? Well, that was the idea that sparked our Events page.
We shall be adding events as we find them, but more than that, we invite you to submit events for us to add as well. It is intended to be a community calendar not specific to region so that any member anywhere might find something of interest.
The world of Jane Austen is bigger than you know, and we’d like to help share it.