Having “The Talk” and Vampires Babies

What’s better than a 200 year old Regency vampire, a Jewish vampire hunter, and a clueless son? A vampire/human grand baby or death, of course. 

Photo courtesy of Jencu and Flickr Creative Commons

Admittedly, I was skeptical of Jane Goes Batty. But I came around for most of the book. The dialogue, sharp and pointed, the characters more fleshed out and alive or dead or undead…whatever… I began believing in the premise of Jane Austen as a vampire. And the possibility of a Jewish shrew of a vampire hunter (note: I find it odd that Walter’s mother is a vampire hunter. Too much of a coincidence for my taste. Aunt, uncle, cousin…maybe, mother feels too cliche). As a reader, it is essential for me to buy into this fictitious world, and I did.

Until Miriam Fletcher decides she wants mutant grandchildren, and Jane has no clue if she can have babies.

Didn’t someone have “THE TALK” with Jane? I’m sure in Regency England her mother, sister, someone must have explained where babies come from. Even if morals of such a society forbade talking of the female cycle, she lived through the 1960’s so someone would have explained that special visit from Aunt Flo. Or at the very least bitched about it.

But this does beg the question: if Jane knows how humans reproduce, wouldn’t she know if she were menstruating or not? This ignorance on her part is quite distressing. Perhaps, if she had buddied up to Charlotte Bronte, maybe she could have asked if babies were possible. Hell, Byron should know since he was bedding more than one female vampire. Wouldn’t he be a touch concerned with paying vampire child support…eternally?  I don’t know if socializing with more of her kind would shed some light some this intimate matter…but please, ignorance just doesn’t cut it for me.

What do you think…can Jane have babies or not? 


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