With #NaNoWriMo, our efforts to read, and planning for the holidays, it has just dawned upon us that this week is a time to sit back and enjoy our time with our families. We are still reading and writing, but we are taking the time to fill up on good company and good food. We hope that this day finds you surrounded by both as well.
Additionally, we did a bit of thinking and put together a few things for which we of the Dark Jane Austen Book Club are grateful. We hope that you find many things to be grateful and thankful for as well.
- We are grateful for the wonderful works of Jane Austen that continue to delight and inspire us.
- We are grateful that zombie hordes are not roaming the countryside preventing family and friends from safe travels.
- We are thankful for all the writers who have joined with Jane Austen to further enrich our reading and provide us with such a wonderful premise with which to being this book club.
- We are most thankful that we need not worry about our sushi attacking us.
- We are delighted that father-daughter bonding time does not include grave digging and decapitation.
- We are thankful for books, ones we like and ones we don’t, for without them we would have nothing to discuss.
From all of us here at the Dark Jane Austen Book Club, have a Happy Thanksgiving!
P.S. Have your katana and trident handy just in case.
What are you thankful and grateful for this season?
*Photo: Thanksgiving Table by AlphaTangoBravo / Adam Baker, obtained through Flickr.