Tag Archives | Fitzwilliam Ebenezer Darcy

Winner Announced for December’s Giveaway!

Thank you to all those who read with us, engaged in discussion, and entered to win. Special thanks to Barbara Tiller Cole for offering a copy of Fitzwilliam Ebenezer Darcy for giveaway. Our winner is: Jeanna P. Congratulations!  Hope you all join us next month for January’s reading of Grave Expectations by Sherri Browning Erwin.

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Darcy's Regression

On Ghosts and Sins Past

If Pride and Prejudice had a fault, it would be that we never really know anything about Darcy’s parents or  his childhood.          Perhaps, he simply got taller, older–a more adult version of his child-adult self. Yes, we know about Wickholm and his sister, but he never allows us, the dear readers, […]

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A Dickens of an Inspiration!

We are pleased to welcome back author Barbara Tiller Cole. Be sure to read through her guest post here and enter the giveaway!  A Dickens of an Inspiration! Fitzwilliam Ebenezer Darcy By Barbara Tiller Cole First of all, I want to thank Dark Jane Austen Book Club for choosing Fitzwilliam Ebenezer Darcy as their group […]

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