How a Dark Janeite Emerged

Waking the Undead JaneJane Austen most likely never saw the coming of devoted fans–a whole host of individuals willing to dress in Regency styles and sip tea while reading her novels and calling themselves Janeites. Scholars that spend hours researching and studying everything from her writing style to her life style. Even if she could have guessed that her work would be appreciated for generations after her death, I’m quite certain she never saw me coming.


I read my first Jane Austen novel in college as part of a course on women in fiction. It was Sense and Sensibility, and yes, I loved it. However, it did not compel me to go out and read all things Austen. No, it took some zombies to make that happen.


To read my full confession go to Book Review Club: Dark Jane Austen Book Club returns


* Photo: Mist in Queensbury churchyard 31.10.2010 by Tim Green aka atoach, obtained through Flickr Creative Commons.

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