One of my first concerns when watching a movie based on a book I have read is to worry what has been left out. No matter how faithfully adapted there are always some things that fall by the wayside in favor of the cinematic need to fit a grand story into something that can be […]
Tag Archives | Darcy
Diverted by Darcy Again
Today I dig deep to think more about why Darcy keeps coming up as the most fantasized of Austen’s men over at Darcyholic Diversions.
A Dickens of an Inspiration!
We are pleased to welcome back author Barbara Tiller Cole. Be sure to read through her guest post here and enter the giveaway! A Dickens of an Inspiration! Fitzwilliam Ebenezer Darcy By Barbara Tiller Cole First of all, I want to thank Dark Jane Austen Book Club for choosing Fitzwilliam Ebenezer Darcy as their group […]
Fear Be Gone
Fear can be the most crippling force that we humans know. It ruins our relationships with friends, jobs, lives, and ourselves. Fear damages everything it touches. Which is why our main character Kay Ashton stays in a shitty world of her own choosing. In Dreaming of Mr. Darcy, Kay hates her life, tries to escape into […]
Future Friday
One of our goals for 2012 is to foster conversation, engage in friendly banter, and discuss our most beloved Jane Austen.