From all of us at the Dark Jane Austen Book Club: May all of your resolutions be accomplished within 24 hours just in case the werewolves break out again, May the bubbly never fizz out of your champagne flute while you’re entertaining vampires, May the elastic on your running shorts never outstretch whilst […]
Author Archive | Sarah Jessica
On Ghosts and Sins Past
If Pride and Prejudice had a fault, it would be that we never really know anything about Darcy’s parents or his childhood. Perhaps, he simply got taller, older–a more adult version of his child-adult self. Yes, we know about Wickholm and his sister, but he never allows us, the dear readers, […]
The Life of an Accidental Austen Blogger
I didn’t grow up with Pride and Prejudice tucked under my arm or teach myself the art of flirting by reading Emma. It never occurred to me to fling my person toward the arms of a nearby gentleman or walk in the rain because a gentleman(supposedly) jilted me. Most of my life, I passed Jane […]
Fear Be Gone
Fear can be the most crippling force that we humans know. It ruins our relationships with friends, jobs, lives, and ourselves. Fear damages everything it touches. Which is why our main character Kay Ashton stays in a shitty world of her own choosing. In Dreaming of Mr. Darcy, Kay hates her life, tries to escape into […]
Death Becomes Her
Note for the lovely, beautiful, talented reader: this month, DJABC is featuring two books instead of our usual one. I read Victoria Connelly’s Dreaming of Mr. Darcy and will be discussing it all month. Be aware that both Veronica and I have strong opinions about what we read, feel free to disagree with us but […]
Shhh, Keeping Secrets
No one wants to be the secret keeper especially poor dear Jane.
When Humans and Damned Collide
There is nothing better than a country dance especially if the you dance with a vampire, then enjoy a bit of lusty lounging afterwards.
Let Us Be Damned
Happy Halloween, vampire infused, zombie raging, werewolf howling month! Or as we around the DJABC will tell you, Happy We’re Reading Jane Austen: Blood Persuasion month. In October, we will be returning to Regency England(like we ever want to leave) as we follow Jane Austen along her hopes to stay cured and the evil within trying […]
Let Me Be Vanilla
After reading many of Austen’s works, I believe every heroine prayed this: Let me be vanilla!
Happy Blogiversary to DJABC
Happy Blogiversary to The Dark Jane Austen Book Club!
DJABC Frankenstein Recap
Yesterday, the lovely, well-caffeinated members of our dear Dark Jane Austen Book Club sat down in front of their computers to chat.